Nov 8, 2019

On the 10th Anniversary Workshop of the African Renewable Energy Alliance in Abuja, Nigeria the subject of how the implementation of on site Energy and clean Water production in nigerian Health Centers can dramatically improve not only the quality of services provided in the Health Centers but also supply the general population with save drinking water and therefor tackle one of the mayor reasons for water borne diseases. Watch the video inside.

Sep 26, 2019

The PV Solar Energy Conference in Europe is the largest conference for Solar Electricity world wide and it attracted more than 2000 Scientists and Engineers from all-over the world reporting on the latest development of solar cells and modules as well as new installations and applications particularly for the millions of people without  electricity living mainly in the rural areas of Sub-Sahara Africa and South-East Asia.

Feb 26, 2019

More than hundred people attended the inauguration of the first solar driven safe drinking water system in Nigeria. The system can produce up to 20000l/d of drinking water free of bacteria and for a healthy life.

Feb 6, 2019

Before the official inauguration of the first PV driven self sustained water cleaning system in Abjua Nigeria the Minister of health Dr. E.O. Ehanire and his wife visited the site that will cater save drinking water for the area and the official Primary Health Center it is located in. The unique technology supplied by Autarcon  uses energy, produced on-site with Photo Voltaics, to not only pump ground water but filter and desinfect the water with clorine that is produced in the process.

Jan 29, 2018

From Oktober 12th to 15th 2016 the Second International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions for Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas was held on the Campus of the American University in Cairo. Sustainable Concepts was one of the organizers and also gave one of the key note presentation. 

Dec 14, 2017

Im Dezember 2017 wurde durch den nph deutschland e. V. der aktuelle Projektbericht zur Trinkwasser-Aufbereitungsanlage in Haiti welche von Autarcon GmbH, Kassel und Sustainable Concepts GmbH, Erfurt konzipiert wurde, veröffentlicht. Laden Sie den Bericht hier herunter >>>

Apr 26, 2017

2015 marked the end of the Millennium Development Goal period, and while the global target for drinking-water was met five years ahead of schedule, the target for sanitation was missed by nearly 700 million people. The WHO report "Progress on sanitation and drinking water: 2015 update and MDG assesment" describes statuses and trends in access for drinking-water and sanitation as well as  a retrospective on the evolution of global monitoring of water, sanitation and hygiene since 1990. Download the report >>

Mar 29, 2017

A TADAMUN article recaps the „Second International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions for Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas“ focusing primarily on the issues raised during the conference regarding sustainable development, and the importance of community involvement and adapting to the local context in project planning, financing and implementation.
Read full article at TADAMUN >>>

Nov 20, 2016

Following a successful First International Conference in 2015 the 2. International Conference On Solar Energy Solutions For Electricity And Water Supply in Rural Areas held from Oktober 12 to Oktober 15th 2016 aimed to showcase and discuss promising approaches and applications for different types of renewable energy as sustainable solutions for rural populations with no access to centralized power and water supply. The focus was on solar electricity and its economic applications for village electrification and the supply of safe drinking water. In addition to photovoltaic solutions, small wind generators as well as small hydro and biogas systems for heat and electricity generation were discussed.

Jul 25, 2016

»What has ever been easy?«
Hubert Aulich, a man with 30 years of experience in the solar industry, wants to make access to safe drinking water possible all over the world using the »Autarcon« system.

Jun 25, 2016

In einem Artikel der Thüringer Allgemeinen wird über die wichtige Arbeit von Sustainable Concepts im Bereich der Trinkwasseraufbereitung am Beispiel von Haiti berichtet. Die Infrastruktur-Probleme Haitis verstärkt durch das starke Erdbeben im Jahr 2010 sind für die Bevölkerung eine starke Belastung. Die Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlage der Firma Autarcon gestiftet durch Hubert Aulich CEO von Sustainable Concepts leistet einen wertvollen Beitrag die Situation vor Ort zu verbessern.

Apr 13, 2016

From the 7th to the 10th of october 2015 "The American University in Cairo" hosted the "First International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions for Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas", with almost 100 participants from Egypt, Germany, Malawi, UK, USA, Spain, Marocco and the United Arab Emirates.

Jan 11, 2016

(Deutsche Version am Ende vom Text als PDF Download)

SC Sustainable Concept donates solar-powered drinking water treatment plant

Haiti is the poorest country in the western world: Approximately 80 percent of the population is living in poverty and 40 percent are unemployed. Providing a clean drinking water supply is a huge problem. Nearly half of the Haitian population lacks direct access to potable water. A small percentage of the population get their water from so called “Gwo Machins”, big water trucks. Most Haitians, living on aprox. 70 cents per day, can’t afford the price for clean water: One canister of 16 liters costs 60 Gourdes, or 95 cents. For this reason many obtain their water from streams and rivers; a great risk to their health, since the water is often polluted. 

Nov 6, 2015

On October 7 – 10 SC Sustainable Concepts together with the American University in Cairo, Autarcon and SolarInput organized the First International Conference addressing two of the most pressing problems today in many countries around the globe - access to energy and drinking water. In a holistic approach addressing these two topics at the same time the conference showed that such an approach is particulary beneficial for rural populations away from central grids.

Aug 7, 2015

Together with the American University in Cairo, Autarcon and SolarInput SC, sustainable concepts is organizing the “First International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions For Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas”, from October 7-8 in Cairo followed by a Field Trip to El Heiz Oasis, October 9-10, to visit modern Drinking Water Supply- and Solar Electricity systems.

The Conference will focuss on promising approaches and applications for different types of renewable energy as sustainable solutions for rural populations with no access to centralized power and water supply.

Mar 27, 2015

Water is at the core of sustainable development. Water resources, and the range of services they provide, underpin poverty reduction, economic growth and environmental sustainability. From food and energy security to human and environmental health, water contributes to improvements in social wellbeing and inclusive growth, affecting the livelihoods of billions.

Mar 9, 2015

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Africa Energy Outlook – a Special Report in the 2014 World Energy Outlook series – offers a most comprehensive analytical study of energy in Africa, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa, the epicentre of the global challenge to overcome energy poverty. 

Mar 9, 2015

Since the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals, the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation has reported on progress towards achieving Target 7c: reducing by half the proportion of people without sus- tainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. This report contains the welcome announcement that, as of 2010, the target for drinking water has been met. 

Mar 9, 2015

The booklet was prepared by the Water Services Trust Fund to provide stakeholders with an overview of the GOK /UNICEF Community Water concept.

Mar 8, 2015

South Africa climbed many hills since the 1st Blue Drop results were announced in 2009, indicating that a steep climb is indeed required to raise the standard of drinking water quality. The Blue Drop incentive- based regulation programme endeavours to facilitate and drive this continuous improvement process, seeking sustainable improvement in service delivery, progressive improvement in drinking water quality and steadfast coverage of un-serviced areas.

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